oh, hello there! 🙋

✨welcome to inside innerly: a dose of well-being in your inbox.

Hiii Reader 🫶

Thank you for being a part of innerly, we're so grateful for you. As a token of our appreciation to our wonderful innerly community, we launched our very own newsletter (!!!)

Stuff we'll share:

✨ well-being resources
✨ all of our latest news & offerings
✨ 1:1s with our experts
✨ promos and exclusive discounts

We're here to bring fresh content, insights, and resources to help you level up your well-being, and beyond. Let's dive in!

Our November Focus: The Power of Gratitude

November always has us thinking of gratitude, since Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Gratitude is more than just saying “thank you”—it’s developing a mindset that values the good in our lives, even when faced with challenges. Especially when faced with challenges.

Let’s face it, we ALWAYS have something to be thankful for.

What if we zeroed in on that goodness? Well—if we did—then we’d be looking at cultivating a mindset that automatically attracts more things to be thankful for. Who wouldn’t like that?

While the research on gratitude is still relatively new, there is a growing body of evidence to suggest that it can have a profound impact on our lives.

Actionable step → Start practising gratitude today! Keep a gratitude journal or make a mental note of three things you're grateful for every day. Soon, you'll find that gratitude becomes a natural (and significant) part of your life.

Our Recent Articles 📝

(yep, we have a blog that we JUST launched too 🙃)

How to Achieve Your Dream Reality: The Power of Consistency

Have you ever wondered how you can turn your dreams into reality?

Spoiler: it isn't a magical manifestation method. Here's a research-backed, scientific approach to goal attainment.

Read More →

How to Build Stronger Relationships: Tips for Better Communication and Connection

Read more →

How to Improve Your Mental Health Through Nutrition: A Comprehensive Guide

Read more →

Consultant Spotlight 🔦

We get questions often (and we LOVE it). Given that we have wonderful resources, we began an "Ask The Expert" series. Here's a popular one being answered by our counsellor, Sarah Dayal.


Tap on the image to listen to her answer.

Have a question for us Reader?

Send it to us here!

Questions To Ask Yourself:

Fun Well-Being Things To Click On: ↓

Three best friends over 100 share secrets to a happy life

A 14-year-old developed a soap to aid in the fight against cancer.

Starting this Autumn, every student in New York City will engage in two to five minutes of daily mindfulness

Wondering if you're self-aware? Take this test to truly know

Let's Connect 🙃

At innerly, we're so excited to host people from different backgrounds and modalities to help you through any part of your journey. We're new and striving toward making well-being as accessible as possible.

That's it for our first newsletter! We hope that you enjoyed it and decide to keep us in your inbox 🙃

May your heart be filled with gratitude this Thanksgiving season and beyond. Thank you for being a part of the innerly community. 🫶

innerly & outwardly grateful,


tap into wellness


Read more from innerly

Hi! So this one's for you, the person putting off something because it’s not perfect yet. You may convince yourself that you’re not chasing perfectionism—you’re just ensuring it’s good enough. But deep down, you know it will never feel good enough. This week, I came across a thought on perfectionism that resonated with me: The most evil trick about perfectionism, though, is that it disguises itself as a virtue. In job interviews, for instance, people will sometimes advertise their...